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Simpler System-7 Keys To Inspired Leadership
Simpler System-7 Keys To Inspired Leadership

How can I motivate unmotivated staff?
You can’t. What you do need to do is to inspire your people to follow your lead. The individual motivation you want to see comes from within the individual and all you can do is provide the necessary leadership…in other words, inspire them.

What’s one of the biggest mistakes leaders make?
Most leaders don’t share enough information with members of their immediate team or the company as a whole. Information is power and by sharing information you empower everyone in your company.

Everything is moving too fast. How can I keep up with the pace?
Stop and plan. Study any great leader and you will find an individual who took time to plan, communicate, and rejuvenate. These same great leaders also followed up on their plans.

How can I retain my people?
You retain your people when you treat them well, provide them with the information they need, mentor and coach them continually, and recognize them for their achievements.

Garth Roberts, CSP, teaches managers and supervisors how to build trust and loyalty in their staff, and discover performance improvement in themselves. As a Corporate Trainer, author and leadership consultant Garth turns managers into leaders.

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